Sunday 29 July 2012

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The Sinbad who ventured to unknown lands. The pharaohs who build the grand pyramids. The traders who took the scent of spices to faraway lands. The Mahatma who led a nation to victory. The ragpicker who starts a second hand bookstore.

People with a vision, who see what no one else can. And despite all the ‘hows’, ‘whys’,’ impossibles’ continue painting the picture. Where the colors are chaotic, they bring coherence. If the rain washes away the image, they start again. And again. They work with people. And for them. They can see from your eyes, but they also see, what you don’t.

When things go wrong, they take the blame. And when they go right, they share the victory. They lead, as much by example, as words. Persistence is their eccentricity. They bring to life the castles in the air.   
They are called mad. And then successful. They  are the entrepreneurs. 

My Idea for a better World

India's black money drops to Zero

Special Correspondent

Imagine if anytime you needed a passport or lodged an FIR you needed to pay no bribe. If there could be no income tax evasion. No fake currency rackets. No begging. No illegal political party fundings – which is the Gangotri of corruption.

And this could be done by just one step. Take the paper out of the money i.e. make all transactions by a biometric smart card linked to every individual’s bank account. Much like an ATM card, only it must be used in all transactions and only by your biometric credentials. 

Hence, no hawala dealings. No stealing of cash. No leakages in NREGA or PDS. No cutting of trees for currency notes, or mining for minting coins. In the bigger picture, it’s a step that relinquishes the freedom to people, promised by every constitution, but denied at various levels.